
Tataki Zomé

The art of vegetal printing

Discover the art of vegetal printing !

Transforming a simple piece of recycled fabric into a real work of art, using dye plants. You will explore the Japanese technique of tatakizomé to create plant prints. At the end of the workshop, you'll leave with your own textile mural.

  • The offer includes : a learning workshop of the Japanese technic
  • Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Private workshop : 40€ per person ( minimum 3 adults )
    Family 2 adults/2 children : 100€
    Group rate on request
  • Information et bookings : Tīnctō - Marion ALLIER - artisane textile / teinture 06 80 67 75 10
Tataki Zomé workshop at the Château du Parc in Pézenas, Hérault South Of France

Château du Parc
2470 route de Caux
34120 Pézenas

+33 (0)7 56 41 49 06

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